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The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has awarded 62 Project Based Vouchers

by Administrator March / 2 / 2020

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has awarded 62 Project Based Vouchers to Emerald Development and Economic Network (EDEN), Inc. and Bridge Pointe Commons LP for the development of a 62-unit permanent supportive housing project to be located at 338 East Bridge Street in Elyria, Ohio. 


The proposal was evaluated according to the proposal review selection criteria, 24 CFR Part 983, and the LMHA Housing Choice Voucher Program (HCVP) Administrative Plan.  LMHA will make its selection records and documentation for the basis of selection available for public inspection at the LMHA Main Office 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain, Ohio.  Inquiries can be made by calling LMHA at (440) 288-1600 or by email to




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LMHA News | Online Applications Open May 15th 2017
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Online Applications Open May 15th 2017

by Administrator May / 15 / 2017

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) will resume accepting online applications for the Public Housing and Multifamily Housing Waiting Lists effective May 15, 2017 at 12:01 AM.

LMHA has Public Housing units, ranging in size from efficiency to six bedrooms, located throughout Lorain County, including accessible units. Additionally, LMHA manages one and two bedroom units at Harr Plaza and International Plaza, which are designated for persons who are elderly and/or have disabilities. Units are issued to qualified applicants based on household size.

Rent is based on 30% of Adjusted Gross Income. For residents with higher qualifying incomes, flat rents are available. Security Deposits are required.

Applicants will be contacted for eligibility interviews based on the date and time of their applications.

Applicants with disabilities in need of an accommodation may contact Admissions at 440-288-7484 for assistance.
TDD/TTY 800-750-0750

An Equal Housing Opportunity Provider





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