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Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program RFP

by Administrator December / 28 / 2021

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) invites property owners and developers in Lorain County to submit written proposals demonstrating their project eligibility, qualifications, and interest in securing Project-Based Vouchers (PBV). PBV assistance provides rental subsidies paid on behalf of eligible families who live in units that are contracted under the PBV program.



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LMHA News | October 2018
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PUBLIC NOTICELMHA 2018 Annual Plan Sig Amend 10.11.2018

by Administrator October / 19 / 2018


Effective October 19, 2018 the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has available for review and inspection a Significant Amendment to its 2018 Annual Plan. Details are available at the LMHA offices at 1600/1604 Kansas Ave., Lorain, at all public housing management offices (listed at, online at, and by TDD/TTY (800) 750-0750.




LMHA is interested in your comments. Submit them to LMHA/Megan Newson 1600 Kansas Avenue, Lorain, OH 44052 or A public hearing will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday December 5, 2018 at the LMHA Main Office.  All comments will be heard and discussed at this hearing.

LMHA 2018 Annual Plan Sig Amend 10.11.2018

Memo residents Sig Amend Annual Plan 2018





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