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Project-Based Voucher (PBV) Program RFP

by Administrator December / 28 / 2021

The Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) invites property owners and developers in Lorain County to submit written proposals demonstrating their project eligibility, qualifications, and interest in securing Project-Based Vouchers (PBV). PBV assistance provides rental subsidies paid on behalf of eligible families who live in units that are contracted under the PBV program.



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LMHA News | July 2021
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Carbon Monoxide Detection

by Administrator July / 28 / 2021

This memo serves as notice that the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority follows the guidance outlined in the Ohio Department of Commerce Technical Bulletin #18-001.

Carbon Monoxide Memo 



Get your COVID 19 Vaccine at Lorain Main Branch Library

by Administrator July / 6 / 2021

Vaccine Flyer - Thurs July 15th 1pm - 4pm

Lorain Main Branch Clinic July 15 ENG-SPAN.pdf (301.79 kb)



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