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LMHA News | February 2016
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Draft of LMHA's 2016 Annual and 5-Year Action Plan

by Administrator February / 12 / 2016

Public Notice - Effective January 30, 2016 the Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority (LMHA) has available for review and inspection the 2016 Annual Plan and 5 Year Action Plan at the LMHA Administrative Offices, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. The Plans are also available at all public housing site offices (locations provided on our web site), on the LMHA website @, or by TDD/TTY (800) 750-0750. LMHA is interested in your comments. A public hearing will be held at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 16, 2016 at LMHA, 1600 Kansas Ave., Lorain. All public comments will be heard and discussed this hearing.



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LMHA News | February 2018
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LMHA is proposing a modification to the Public Housing lease

by Administrator February / 20 / 2018

LMHA is proposing a modification to the Public Housing lease.  Proposed changes may be viewed at: [link to PH Lease revision notice] and in the Pet policy lease attachment at [Pets].  Comments are due no later than March 26, 2018 and may be sent to: LMHA-Attention: Megan Newson, 1600 Kansas Ave, Lorain OH 44052 or  Comments submitted shall be considered by LMHA before formal adoption of the change.  Proposed changes to the LMHA Public Housing Lease are effective May 1, 2018.

12 ACO 10 Pets 7-14 disbursement.pdf

PH Lease revision notice.pdf



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