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Important notice to LMHA residents and HCVP participants!

by Administrator January / 12 / 2021

The eviction moratorium issued by the CDC on September 4, 2020 has been extended through June 30, 2021.  Rent is not forgiven, but there is protection from eviction for tenants affected by COVID-19. To determine eligibility and for more information, please read this Notice of Eviction Moratorium from LMHA’s Executive Director, Judith Carlin, and the Tenant Submission form.  Also see the FAQs posted at


Notice of Eviction Moratorium 2.3.21.pdf 

Tenant Submission CDC Rent Relief 1 11 2021.pdf 



Now accepting applications for the February 2021 Homeownership program virtual classes

by Administrator January / 5 / 2021

Now accepting applications for the Homeownership program classes February 20th and 27th , 2021. Review the eligibility criteria on the second page of the flyer. If you believe you are eligible, email to have your application mailed to you. All applications AND verifications due by January 29, 2021. Email Jani Justice at or more information.


Please click on link



Month List

LMHA News | November 2017
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We would like your feedback

by Administrator November / 21 / 2017

Lorain Metropolitan Housing Authority is committed to providing safe, decent, and affordable housing. By participating in this survey, you will help us learn how to better serve our residents.

To take the survey, please click here:



Month List